Tall fescue has the ability to not only survive, but to thrive in our tough conditions. Fescues have a much deeper root system than ryegrass and also possess heat tolerance properties. All fescue varieties need to be managed carefully in order to get the balance right between maximum stock production and plant persistence. Recent breeding…
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Red Clover
Red clover can be used in irrigated pasture mixes to boost summer production. Locally it has been difficult to maintain necessary levels of persistence. Strict rotational grazing practices should be followed if red clover is to be included in your pasture mix. Including a small amount of red clover in specialist irrigated summer crop mixes…
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Subterranean Clover
Subterranean clover is an extremely valuable self-regenerating annual clover. Sub clover offers excellent value for money due to the large volumes of dry matter (forage) that can be produced. If it is managed correctly and allowed to set seed periodically, it may only need to be sown once, due to its enormous ability to set…
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Cocksfoot is a perennial grass that is largely suited to free draining soils. Cocksfoot should be kept well grazed to maximize animal production and represents excellent value for money due to the large amount of seeds per kg and low sowing rates. Cocksfoot breeders have worked hard to increase palatability and some excellent productivity gains…
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Phalaris is arguably the most widely used and most persistent perennial grass on the market. Phalaris is a deep rooted, drought tolerant perennial that is suited to a wide range of soil types. Phalaris is set to continue to be the backbone of the sheep/beef zones throughout Australia, with many growers chosing to plant perennial…
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Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass has been one of the main grass components in sheep/beef and dairy systems throughout the southern agricultural region. Due to the fact the vast majority of perennial ryegrass germplasm comes from Europe and New Zealand we have struggled to get long term persistence from perennial ryegrass in our climate, unless irrigation is available.…
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Italian Ryegrass
These short lived varieties generally last from 2-3 years under irrigated conditions. In our harsh dryland summer situation, rarely do we see these varieties persist beyond the first year. Some growers have used these varieties as a long season annual to guarantee some later season production if spring rains are plentiful. Naracoorte Seeds Pasture Guide…
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Annual Ryegrass
Annual Ryegrass is the backbone of many hay/silage and grazing mixes across the South East and Western Victoria. Annual ryegrass offers fast and affordable forage with varieties ranging from early to very late, so there is definitely a variety available to suit your needs. Naracoorte Seeds Pasture Guide V5Download Variety Sowing Rate Regrowth Potential Maturity…
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The Naracoorte Seeds Wintermix was developed with an emphasis on reliable hay or silage production and regrowth afterwards for grazing. Over the last decade spring rainfall has become unreliable, so mixing different ryegrass varieties ensures maximum production in the variable seasons. We have added persian and balansa clovers to increase protein levels in the preserved…
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Sandy Soils Persistence Blend
Sandy Soils are generally acid by nature with limited moisture and fertility. Lucerne based pasture will give this soil some serious production potential. Clay spreading has made a huge difference to these soil types by giving them the ability to retain moisture. Lower crowned lucerne varieties will enable the lucerne to persist over a long…
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