
Naracoorte Seeds Research Farm

The Naracoorte Seeds Research Farm sits on the Riddoch Highway just 5kms from Naracoorte’s town centre. The farm represents transparency as all of our success and failures are there to be seen. We regularly test new varieties to confirm or deny they will be fit for our region and are able to be grazed by both sheep and cattle to ensure palatability and recovery from grazing can be verified. Our field days are always very well supported with close to 100 clients making the journey in the first week of November biannually to see what we have been up to. We are always willing to take ideas for trials so please contact us if you have something that you believe may spark the interest of the local pasture community.

Facility Upgrades

Gambier Seeds have invested heavily in recent years to improve capacity to carry more stock, process it for mixing and dispatch it in an efficient manner. We understand that when the season break is upon us timeliness is of utmost importance. The continuous improvements to our facilities has enabled us to keep up with the increased demand of recent years without inflicting delays to our valued customers.