
Phalaris is arguably the most widely used and most persistent perennial grass on the market. Phalaris is a deep rooted, drought tolerant perennial that is suited to a wide range of soil types. Phalaris is set to continue to be the backbone of the sheep/beef zones throughout Australia, with many growers chosing to plant perennial pastures due to the strong livestock prices. With low sowing rates required, phalaris continues to represent value for money for all livestock producers.

Phalaris Sowing Tip
Phalaris, like fescues and cocksfoot, are slow to establish so care must be taken to ensure it is sown into a well prepared, weed free seed bed. Phalaris has the capability to survive droughts, whilst still producing large volumes of forage. With new seeding technology it has made direct drilling phalaris a real and viable prospect, when traditionally this was thought to be an irresponsible practice.

Variety Sowing Rate Attributes
Advanced AT 1 - 5 Superior performance in low ph and high aluminium soils. The most aluminium tolerant phalaris on the market.
Australian 1 - 5 Slow to establish, needs to be grazed hard to maximize palatability once established.
Confederate 1 - 5 Suited to 500mm+ rainfall zones. Low levels of alkaloids. Can tolerate set stocking, but better suited to rotational grazing.
Holdfast 1 - 5 Ideally should be rotationally grazed. Excellent winter production, acidic soil tolerance. Lowest alkoloids of current available varieties.
Holdfast GT 1 - 5 Persistent under set stocking, very good autumn/winter production once established.
Horizon 1 - 5 Replacement for Atlas PG and suited to marginal phalaris areas. Early maturing with excellent autumn and winter production.
Mate 1 - 5 Highly winter active, very fast establishing, has been strong performer in PTN trials over the last 4-5 years, low crowned for persistence under heavy grazing.