Recent Posts by gambiers

Premium Irrigation Mix

VARIETY % Description Duke Diploid 46% Duke Ryegrass - Diploid. Very fine & densely tillered long rotation. Low aftermath heading. Viscount Tetraploid 35% Viscount NEA2 - Late tetraploid. Elite performer for tetraploids. Excellent Winter producer with improved persistence. Demand White Clover 6% Mantra W/C - Very large leaf - mid flowering. Semi-erect growth habit that…
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GS Lower South East Perennial Blend

Gambier Seeds Lower SE Perennial Mix includes a complimentary selection of grass  varieties with deeper root systems to assist with persistence. Sub clover varieties offer a range of flowering dates from early to late to cater for a variety of soil types. These can be adjusted to suit specific soil types e.g higher PH. VARIETY…
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Summer Forage Crop Options

WHY PLANT A SUMMER FORAGE CROP? To provide quality feed to cover a predicted feed deficit. To extend the period stock have access to green feed. As part of a paddock renovation program. To assist in finishing stock out of season. To fill the feed gap between pasture, dry off and grazing crop stubbles. As…
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